A free offer for 8th graders
A free offer for 8th graders

Our fundrasing ensures that about 600 young people from our partener schools and associations in the Nordic-Baltic region can participate every year, free of charge in Exchanges for All projects.

Workshops in Schools
Workshops in Schools

Using Art as a Tool Methodology

Living and working together for a week
Living and working together for a week

About Exchanges for All

Exchanges for All is a legal association and an international network of schools, which is implementing free, one-week long, international, art-based camps in school-time for 8th graders (age 14). The camps are taking place ultimo...
read more "About Exchanges for All"


Reach Out 2019-20 – Research Report: “A study of art-based transnational teaching and its implication for student learning and development” “Reach Out” was a strategic partnership with financial support from EU-program “Erasmus+”. It was basically...
read more "Research"

“Art as a Tool”

—A Different Way of Learning— All our projects, youth-exchanges /mobility-camps and workshops in schools are based on using participative arts as music, dance, drama, circus and visual arts as a tool, and we are first...
read more "“Art as a Tool”"

“Stop Climate Changes” theme for our projects

Since 2017 all our implemented exchanges have had the theme “Stop Climate Changes” and have started out with a short introduction to topics as a.o. combustions and photosyntese. Teachers took on the task of making...
read more "“Stop Climate Changes” theme for our projects"

2024 Calendar


8-12.1.2024:        EFA-meeting in Nykøbing F, (DK)

01.02.2023:         Deadline for applications to Nordplus Junior

28.4-3.5.2024:    Exchange in Örkeljunga, SE

1-8.5.2024:        Exchanges in Latvia & Lithuania

22-29.5.2024: Exchange at Sophieskolen, Nykøbing F, DK

September 24:     Only few exchanges approved

6-10.1.2025:        Planning-meeting in Nykoebing F, DK

6 Exchanges in May: 9-16.5.2023

We are so happy also in 2023 to be able to travel and meet in groups from different countries.

Here is a list of the exchanges coming up in May 2023, some information about each camp, the groups that will join and the workshops they can take part in.

If nothing else is mentioned each group is formed of 15 students & 2 teachers. Each one of the 6 exchanges brings together 3 or 4 groups.

We will try to upload pictures from the different projects on Facebook-page ”Exchanges for All”


1. FI-Hubfeenix

Read more information about this camp:


TUNI (FI), Alværn Ungdomsskole (NO), Nysted Skole (Guldborgsund, DK) & eventually Wejherowo School no. 8 (PL).


Music: Mattia (IT), Sound-production: Sebastian (FI), Break: Tania (FI), Dance: Greta (LT)

2. FI-Kesä

Read more information about this camp:


Lielahti School (FI), Rydebäcksskolan (SE), Sophieschool (Guldborgsund, DK) & eventually Wejherowo School no. 1 (PL)


Break: Otto (FI), Drama: Elitsa BG/DK), Sound-production: Sami (FI)

3. SE-Ângetskolan & YC Gnistan, Örnsköldsvik

Read more information about this camp:


Ketvergiu (LT), Liepajas Liedaga (LV), Stubbekøbing (DK) & Ängetskolan (SE)


Dance: Steve (UK), Magic: Ze (PT) & Circus: Gunita (LV)

4. LV-Liepaja School no. 6 & Sport Hotel

Read more information about this camp:


Klaipeda Sendvario (LT), Liepaja School no. 6 (LV), Nr. Alslev School (DK)


Breakdance: Joseph (US/FI), Drama: Davide (IT) & Circus: Inga (LV)

5. LT-Jaunimo Sodyba

Read more information about this camp:


Endriejavas (LT), Nica School (LV), South-Falster School (DK) and eventually AKG (EE)


Forum Theatre: Gill (Wales, UK), Music: Tom (Wales, UK) & Dance: Booma (DK/UK):

6. DK-Mill-Hill School

Read more information about this camp:


Gargzdai (LT), Nica (LV) & Mill-Hill School (Guldborgsund, DK)


Dance: Pako (PT), Songwriting & Forum Theatre: Llew (UK) & Music: Andy (UK)

About Exchanges for All

Exchanges for All is a legal association and an international network of schools, which is implementing free, one-week long, international, art-based camps in school-time for 8th graders (age 14).

The camps are taking place ultimo May and ultimo September and have a core program of dance, music, drama, circus and/or visual arts, which by the end of the week is merged into a performance and shown to other young people at schools and cultural-centres.

More info and updates on our facebook page.

See also: “Stop Climate Changes” theme for our projects

Reach Out Video

“Reach Out” was a project about “Workshops in Schools with Artists from another Country”, which was followed by 2 researchers from University College Absalon (DK) and described in the report “A study of art-based transnational teaching and its implication for student learning and development” (October 2020). The 3 artists: musician Andy Penny (UK), dancer & choreographer Pako (PT and visual artists Daniela Stoian (RO) worked 3 times at 2 schools in Guldborgsund Municipality (DK), Klaipeda Sendvario Progymnasium (LT) and Wejherowo School no. 1 (PL).

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Video by Daniela Stoian