“Reach Out” was a strategic partnership with financial support from EU-program “Erasmus+”. It was basically a research-project, which examined the outcomes from having workshops in school with artists from another country.
Researchers from University College Absalon (DK) looked at how these workshops are influencing on wellbeing and learning-motivation. Results were presented 6.10.2020 at an online conference hosted by Klaipeda Education Department and will also be the topic for a conference in Wejherowo Centrum Kultury on Thursday 6th May 2021.
“Reach Out” was coordinated by Stubbekøbing School and involved one more school in Guldborgsund Municipality + Klaipeda Sendvario Progymnasium (LT) & Wejherowo School no.1 (PL).
The 3 artists: musician Andy Penny (UK), dancer & choreographer Pako (PT and visual artists Daniela Stoian (RO) worked 3 times at 2 schools in Guldborgsund Municipality (DK), Klaipeda Sendvario Progymnasium (LT) and Wejherowo School no. 1 (PL).
Video Documentation
Video artist Daniela Stoian has also done a lot of video documentation throughout the entire procces and edited this video to accompany and support the research.
Music for the video provided by:
Mattia Vendu, Andy Penny, Pako Soul Kool, Booma.
Previous research – International Exchanges as a Learning Tool

“International Exchanges as a Learning Tool” came in January 2016, and it was presented by Bennyé Austring from University College Zealand durring the conference on “Learning-Outcome from participating in an art-based, international youth-exchanges” at Kulturfabrikken, Nykøbing F, Denmark.