2014.11.25-28 First Transnational Partner-Meeting in Klaipeda (LT) & Liepaja (LV)

25-28.11.2014 the 1st Transnational Partnermeeting  was hosted by Klaipeda Sendvario Progymnazija (LT) with planning-meeting on 26.11, and our visit in Liepaja (LV) on 27.11 was organized by project-partner Liepaja Children and Youth Centre.

Besides project-partners the meeting also was attended by teachers from Fjordskolen & Stubbekoebing School (DK), Liepaja School no. 1 & 5 (LV), Klaipeda Sendvario Progymnazija & Gargzdu Minijos Progimnazija (LT) and Gimnazjum Społeczne nr. 1 W Wejherowie (PL), who a.o. worked on coming exchanges for 8th grade students – and on a coming application “IDALT-International Dimension as a Learning Tool” for Erasmus+: Comenius.


Read also:

2nd Transnational Partnermeeting & training-course for teachers

3rd Transnational Partnermeeting + 1st Dissemination Conference