6 Exchanges in May: 9-16.5.2023

We are so happy also in 2023 to be able to travel and meet in groups from different countries. Here is a list of the exchanges coming up in May 2023, some information about each camp, the groups that will join and the workshops they can take part in. If nothing else is mentioned each group is formed of 15 students & 2 teachers. Each one of the 6 exchanges …

Let’s do it

“Let’s do It” was a 2 year long training-course for school-teachers on International Project Development & Implementation: Training 1A31.10-3.11.2016Training 1B,27-30.3.20174 Exchanges4/5-10/11.5.20176 Exchanges22/23-28/29.9.2017Final Training A+B30.10-2.11.2017 “Recommendations concerning students-mobility for secondary school” For this project we also had blogs that were updated with information localy: https://letsdoit-garzdai-lt.exchangesforall.eu/ letsdoit-kalmar-se.exchangesforall.eu letsdoit-klaipeda-lt.exchangesforall.eu letsdoit-reda-pl.exchangesforall.eu letsdoit-stadtschwaan-de.exchangesforall.eu letsdoit-wejherowo-pl.exchangesforall.eu letsdoit-dk.exchangesforall.eu Read information about the project translated in: Latvian / Latvinski Lithuanian / Lietuvos Polish / Języku polskim German / Auf deutsch

Our Story

How did Exchanges for All begin? In October 2013 the final conference for the EU-Intereg South-Baltic project “CreatLearn” tookplace in Nykøbing F, Guldborgsund, DK, where the local work, on using artistic workshops for improving learning in schools, was coordinated by culture-house-organisation “CultHus”. As a part of the conference a pilot-project took place at Fjordschool (today known as Sophieschool), where groups of young people age 14, from 4 countries, worked together …

Youth-exchanges / Mobility Camps

What is a youth exchange? Youth-exchange is the word used by Erasmus+ program (as well as previous ”Youth in Action”) for an international youthcamp, international mobility, according to the rules of these EU-programs. In our context it is an international, artbased on-campus project, at which 40-50 young people of same age from 3-5 different countries live, eat and work together during a week according to an approved program. Schedule This …

Past Projects

First Transnational Partner-Meeting in Klaipeda (LT) & Liepaja (LV) 2014 – 2015 Activities 2016 Activities Let’s do it 2016 -2017 “Let’s do It” was a 2 year long training-course for school-teachers on International Project Development & Implementation: Training 1A31.10-3.11.2016Training 1B,27-30.3.20174 Exchanges4/5-10/11.5.20176 Exchanges22/23-28/29.9.2017Final Training A+B30.10-2.11.2017 2017-2019 Activities 2019-2020 Activities 2021- Activities Online Projects

2024 Calendar

Overall-plan        8-12.1.2024:        EFA-meeting in Nykøbing F, (DK) 01.02.2023:         Deadline for applications to Nordplus Junior 28.4-3.5.2024:    Exchange in Örkeljunga, SE 1-8.5.2024:        Exchanges in Latvia & Lithuania 22-29.5.2024: Exchange at Sophieskolen, Nykøbing F, DK September 24:     Only few exchanges approved 6-10.1.2025:        Planning-meeting in Nykoebing F, DK

2019-2020 Activities

18-25.9.2020: 3 May-exchanges have been postponed and took place in September together with 3 more, which were approved by Nordplus Junior. We implemented 6 online-exchanges each with online and on-location workshop-leaders and full school-classes from the respective countries. 12-19.5.2020 5 exchanges has unfortunately been cancelled or postponed due to corona-virus.  3-14.2.2020: “Reach Out” workshops in schools with artists from another country 6-10.1.2020 International evaluation- & planning-meeting in Nykoebing F (DK) …

2017 – 2018 Activities

27-30.3.2017 Training-course in Nykoebing F supported by EU-South-Baltic 31.10-3.11.2017 Training-course in Klaipeda supported by EU-South-Baltic 4-11.5.2017 4 Exchanges/ Hands on teacher-training supported by EU-South-Baltic 22-29.9.2017 6 Exchanges / Hands on teacher-training supported by EU-South-Baltic 9-12.4.2017 Dissemination conference in Nykoebing F supported by EU-South-Baltic 25.5-1.6.2018 4 Exchanges 21-28.9.2018 6 exchanges


Reach Out 2019-20 – Research Report: “A study of art-based transnational teaching and its implication for student learning and development” “Reach Out” was a strategic partnership with financial support from EU-program “Erasmus+”. It was basically a research-project, which examined the outcomes from having workshops in school with artists from another country. Researchers from University College Absalon (DK) looked at how these workshops are influencing on wellbeing and learning-motivation. Results were …