My Carbon Footprint

Preparation time: a few weeks.
Activity: a project on raising awareness of energy use and CO2 emission to show students and their families their influence on climate change
Place: Szkoła Społeczna Wejherowo, students’ homes
Participants: students from schools from Wejherowo; students’ parents, teachers
Gathering important data on climate change especially on the notions of carbon footprint – the emission of CO2.
The activity:
Students were introduced to the notion of „Carbon footprint” through watching a BBC documentary on climate changes followed by a presentation showing the results of climate change and what actions we could all implement in our lives to protect the environment. The presentation finished with few tasks that students were to work on.
First, students created posters to raise the awareness of the climate changes problem.
Then, students together with their parents were calculating the CO2 emissions. They were estimating how much CO2 does their household produces and emits to the atmosphere.
After that, all the results were gathered and students together with teachers prepared the carbon footprint results.
The tool to estimation of CO2 emission was CO2 calculator which can be found in the link below
As a follow up to the project students were working on a debate on climate change that was to take place in the following spring.

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